Today we’re diving into the essential steps of truly forgiving someone and walking down that path. Our focus is on the inspiring story of Joseph, who forgave his brothers despite being sold into slavery by them. It’s a powerful reminder of the importance of forgiveness and how it can break the chains of bitterness and selfishness. We also talk about the Lord’s Prayer and how forgiveness is a daily need, just like daily bread. Forgiveness is not persecution, and we should not judge or seek vengeance on others. Instead, we should make an intentional choice to forgive and keep what happened personal. We should pray for our enemies, and forgiveness should be built-in for ultimate durability. In this episode, we’ll share examples of people who forgave despite having every reason not to, such as Corrie Ten Boom and Martin Luther King Jr. The challenge is to take the next step of forgiveness and not just forgive someone but pray for them to prosper and find the Lord. It’s an intentional choice that can be difficult, but the rewards are immeasurable.