94 – Live Boldly for Christ

by Jill McKinley

In today’s world, many Christians find themselves settling into a comfortable routine, prioritizing security and personal comfort over bold action. In his book, Daring Faith in a Cowardly World, Ken Harrison calls believers to a higher standard: a life of courageous faith that goes beyond the ordinary and makes an extraordinary impact. He reminds us that while salvation is a critical starting point, it’s just the beginning of the journey. The real challenge is living out our faith daily, even when it means stepping into uncomfortable or risky situations.

Harrison argues that many of us are trapped in a mindset of self-preservation, clinging to the comforts of security, success, and material stability. But he encourages us to ask: Are the things we’re holding on to worth Christ dying for? Too often, we shy away from sharing our faith or taking a stand because we’re afraid of rejection, judgment, or the risk of losing something we value—whether it’s a job, a relationship, or simply our reputation.

However, faith calls us to more. Drawing from examples like the Apostle Paul, Harrison points out that many of the greatest Christian figures in history endured hardships for the sake of Christ. Paul didn’t have to endure shipwrecks, beatings, and imprisonment, but he did because his love for God was greater than his fear. Likewise, we are called to live with the same daring faith, knowing that our security ultimately rests in God, not in the temporary comforts of this world.

The Bible teaches that God has prepared good works for us to do (Ephesians 2:10). These works don’t save us, but they are the evidence of our faith and love for God. When we follow God’s call to step out in faith—whether by standing up for our beliefs in difficult situations or by serving others sacrificially—we are living in alignment with His purpose. And the reward for this obedience isn’t just in heaven; it’s the deep sense of fulfillment and joy that comes from knowing we’re living the life God intended for us.

Harrison challenges us to reclaim our saltiness as Christians. Salt purifies, preserves, and adds flavor. If we lose our saltiness, we become ineffective, both in our personal walk and in our influence on others. By stepping out of our comfort zones and boldly proclaiming our faith, we regain that saltiness, becoming a powerful force for good in a world that desperately needs hope.

Living boldly for Christ doesn’t mean being reckless or unwise, but it does mean being willing to take risks for the sake of the Gospel. Whether it’s sharing your faith at work, standing up for justice, or simply living with integrity in a world that often values the opposite, bold faith is what sets us apart. It’s what makes our lives truly impactful.

In the end, Daring Faith is a call to live with courage, to shed fear, and to trust God fully. As Harrison reminds us, “Are the things you are living for worth Christ dying for?” The answer to that question should motivate us to live with boldness, not just for our own sake, but for the sake of a world that needs to see Christ through us.

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